Frequently Asked Questions:



    How long will I have to wait to get into a co-op?     

After applying, it generally takes three months to three years to get into most co-ops. Some co-ops are not accepting applications. Those applying for subsidy have a longer wait than those paying the market housing charge.

     Who lives in co-ops?     

Non-profit housing co-ops are mixed communities run by the members. Members of housing co-ops come from a variety of backgrounds and have a wide range of incomes. Some members pay a full housing charge. This is often called a “market” housing charge. Other members with lower incomes pay less. This is called a subsidized housing charge. Some units in most every non-profit co-op are subsidized.

    What is subsidy?     

Most non-profit housing co-ops receive money from the government (federal or provincial) to help house some low-income members. The housing charge for these units is adjusted to the household’s income. This is often referred to as “rent-geared-to-income” or “RGI” or a subsidized housing charge. The subsidy makes up the difference between what the member pays and the co-op’s normal housing charge. The amount of subsidy is limited. When a co-op’s operating agreement with government ends, the subsidy will also end. Co-ops have to start planning for that future.

    What is a monthly housing charge?     

A monthly housing charge is like rent. It’s what the members pay each month to live in the co-op.  This covers the operating cost of running the co-op.

    Are co-ops low income housing?     

No, co-ops are mixed income communities for people of all income levels. Generally, co-ops house people of low and moderate incomes.




If you have a question, please contact us.

Thank you for your interest in Still Creek Housing Co-op.

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As we focus on finding good, active participating members, we have very little turnover.